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Please see below some thought pieces on some of the challenges and solutions to becoming more globally connected…

Developing New Skills

When considering study abroad experiences for students, it's easy to slip into the conventional mindset that longer is better. Guido de Wilde would like to challenge that notion...

Building Confidence

One of the principal reasons given for not becoming more globally connected is the lack of resources. However, the fact is that there are resources available, if you know how to access them…

Tackling Isolation

With over 17 years of experience in the field of higher education and internationalization, Carine de Wilde likes to provide her perspective that without access to networks and the forging of partnerships and collaborations, higher education institutions will not be able to flourish...

Access to Resources

After leading over 20 projects through European and other funding, Mark Majewsky Anderson is well-placed to give his insights on the challenges of accessing large funding streams...

Making Projects Sustainable

Natalia Popielska has managed international projects funded by the European Commission and in the UK with partners from across the world, including Africa, Asia, Latin America and various EU countries…

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