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EU Funding

Co-creating a New Approach
This report is a compilation of the ideas shared at two virtual co-creation sessions held on 20th and 21st of March 2024. The theme of both sessions was identical – “Reversing the Gaze: How can we make Internationalisation more equitable”.
Making It Happen
This report reflects on a co-creation session which asked participants to consider the practicalities of organising the Dreamweavers Summer School. The participants
represented three distinct groups: institutions from the Global South who might be prepared to send students; institutions from the Global North that might be interested in hosting; impact investors and philanthropic organisations that might
consider supporting such an initiative.

Dreamweavers Festival: Co-Creating Concept and Content
We developed a concept for a new type of Summer School - the Dreamweavers Festival. It is designed for high-calibre students from the Global South who don’t get the opportunity to travel, to bring them to Europe to work alongside their peers to find solutions to societal challenges.
Reversing the Gaze
Internationalisation: it seems like a pretty innocuous aspiration. Don’t we all want to become more connected, joining a richer, global family? It sounds like a utopia we can all buy into.